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Everything You Need to Know About Raising Your First Cat

The decision to adopt your first cat is a monumental one, both for you and for your new cat, which I hope will be a family member for life. Whether you are thinking about getting a cat, or have just adopted your first one, this tutorial has been designed to make your relationship with this special cat a lasting one. This is what we mean by the term "a forever home."

Shopping List for Your New Cat
Bringing home a new cat is much like adopting a human baby. However, in the case of a cat, you'll be shopping for a litter box instead of a changing table.

Before you bring your new cat or kitten home, there are a number of things to collect or buy, so your cat will feel like a family member rather than a visitor. Do this a few days in advance to minimize stress for you and your cat on "homecoming day". In the excitement of bringing your cat home, you don't want to suddenly discover at 8 p.m. that you forgot to buy cat food.

Preparing a Safe Room for Your Cat

A "Safe Room" needn't even be a separate room, but could be an empty closet, a corner of your bedroom with a protective screen, or a seldom-used bathroom. The important thing is that your new cat has a place he can call "home," where he can retreat and rest. He may voluntarily choose to socialize with you and other family members, but for now, let him decide whether to hide or mingle. It may take several days to a week or more, depending on his history, but your patience at this point will yield exponential results in a happier relationship with your cat in later days.

Cat-Proofing Your Home
You've decided where you're going to go to adopt your new kitty; possibly you've already narrowed your selection down to one cat you simply must bring home. You've stocked up on essentials from our shopping list, and you've prepared kitty's "safe room." There's only one step left before Homecoming Day - Cat-proofing your home to save wear and tear on the household as well as the new arrival.
Although it will take a bit of time, cat-proofing your home isn't rocket science. It only requires your willingness to get down to a cat's level to spy out hazardous temptations, along with the ability to think like a cat.

Bringing Your New Cat Home

O Happy Day! You've completed all your preparations and the big day has finally arrived for bringing your new kitty home. Although everyone is excited, it's probably better not to make this a big family event. Your new baby will probably be stressed enough without a bunch of people competing for his attention, especially if you have young children in the home.

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